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- 【通販激安】特別価格WORLDS BEST CABLES 4 Foot Ultimate 8 AWG Ultra Pure OFC Premium Audiophile HiFi Speaker Cable Pair with Eminence Spade Plugs & 並行輸入 : b0ckr6bq9d : yukinkoの最新アイテムを海外通販!
魅力の特別価格WORLDS BEST CABLES 4 Foot Ultimate 8 AWG Ultra Pure OFC Premium Audiophile HiFi Speaker Cable Pair with Eminence Spade Plugs & 並行輸入 : b0ckr6bq9d : yukinko初直営店がいよいよOPEN!
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公式通販特別価格WORLDS BEST CABLES 4 Foot Ultimate 8 AWG Ultra Pure OFC Premium Audiophile HiFi Speaker Cable Pair with Eminence Spade Plugs & 並行輸入 : b0ckr6bq9d : yukinko【限定価格セール】
・“WBC ? Ultimate Assembly Range” is a direct result of popular demand by our valued customers, which takes our already excellent cable solutions a step further. With an industry-leading total of 3360, 99.99% Ultra-Pure Oxygen Free Copper (OFC), 0.08mm ultra-fine strands, this heavy gauge cable will effortlessly deliver deeper lows, sweet mids and higher highs without any fear of signal loss. Satisfying all the most stringent requirements of the most demanding audiophile.
・With the “WBC ? Ultimate Assembly Range” of cables, you will experience the best WBC has to offer whilst enjoying the aesthetically pleasing looks these luxury assemblies will bring into your system. The high-end packaging, makes these a great gift for any Audiophile or Music Lover who will appreciate handcrafted, high quality audio cabling. The braided Tweed cloth jacket and embroidered labeling will compliment your high-end gear quite tastefully; this is truly “The Ultimate” speaker cable.
・At WBC we only use the highest-grade connectors for these audiophile cable assemblies. Eminence 3 micron, 24K Gold plated, audiophile-grade, multi-spade connectors, (compatible with 8mm and 6mm binding posts), provide superior abrasion & corrosion resistance and unrivaled performance. The spade plugs are specially reinforced to support heavy gauge cables (thicker profile).
・All our bespoke cables are professionally soldered using WORLDS BEST CABLES proprietary 4% silver solder blend & a nitrogen-assisted soldering process unique to us, exceeding industry standards, improves integrity of solder joints over traditional methods. The tweed jacket is hand applied while the embroidered labeling is also hand stitched into place resulting in a truly handcrafted cable. The four fabric connector cover pouches and the gift box are reusable.
・This sale is for a pair of speaker cables, one cable each for the Left and Right Channels. Each Speaker Cable is 4 Foot long. These are custom-made cables lovingly assembled by WORLDS BEST CABLES, we offer the largest array of custom-built cables in the market, and we carry all the major cable and connector brands. We have served millions of customers with quality assemblies for many years and the wealth of knowledge gathered is poured into the “WBC ? Ultimate Assembly Range” of cables.
説明: Custom Made - 4 Foot - WORLDS BEST CABLES - ULTIMATE - 8 AWG - Ultra-Pure OFC ? High-Strand Count (3360 x 0.8mm) Premium Audiophile HiFi Speaker Cable Pair, terminated with Eminence 3 micron, 24k Gold dual-plated, audiophile-grade multi-spade (compatible with 8mm and 6mm binding posts) connectors (2x Spade to 2x Spade) and Silver Tweed Jacket. Each cable consists of two (2), 8 AWG conductors. The package also contains a high-quality gift box and four fabric connector covers which are reusable. We at WBC always make world-class custom-built cable assemblies using many of the leading cable and connector brands, if you are unable to find the length and type of cable you are looking for, please feel free to contact us, and we will strive to assemble the required cable for you.
カテゴリー: 電気ケーブル
高さ: 5.1 センチ
幅: 17.8 センチ
奥行: 17.8 センチ
重量: 1.1 Kg
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特別価格WORLDS BEST CABLES 4 Foot Ultimate 8 AWG Ultra Pure OFC Premium Audiophile HiFi Speaker Cable Pair with Eminence Spade Plugs & 並行輸入 : b0ckr6bq9d : yukinko激安2024特集